What is a bone density scan?
A bone density scan is used to measure the mass of calcium in the bones to determine if there is any demineralization.
How do I have a bone density scan?
You can have a bone density scan at one of our Imagix clinics. However, please note that we perform bone density tests by appointment only. Make sure you have your prescription on hand to make an appointment online.
How is a bone density scan performed?
During the scan, you must lie on a bed, usually on your back. The X-ray tube moves slowly over you. You must stay still and breathe calmly. To plan your activities, please note that the total duration of the visit can vary between 30 and 60 minutes, even if the exam itself only lasts about 20 minutes. To learn more about the exam process, visit our detailed page on bone density scanning.
When should I have a bone density scan?
Health professionals generally prescribe this type of examination in order do the following:
- Measure the amount of calcium in the bones
- Diagnose osteoporosis
- Measure and verify bone loss
How long does it take to send the report to my doctor?
Results are sent by fax, electronic medical record (EMR) or mail within 7 business days of the procedure.